The Sounds of Summer!

Continued exposure to noise of 85 dB or louder, over time, will harm your hearing. Noises above 90-95 dB can only be tolerated for a very short amount of time. So what is 85 dB? Let’s put this into perspective: average conversation speech is between 55-65 dB, a washing machine or busy traffic is between 75-85 dB, while a hair dryer is about 95 dB and a chainsaw is between 100-115 dB.
Fret not! You can protect your hearing AND enjoy the sounds of summer! There are so many hearing protection devices available these days from disposable ear plugs to noise cancelling ear muffs and even custom fit ear molds for things like hunting and music. Most of these don't completely mute all sound, they just bring the sound down to an acceptable decibel range.
You can read this complete article as well as others on the editorials page of our website.
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